Timo Kullerkupp shares adwice to startup founders
Timo Kullerkupp shares adwice to startup founders
After a productive training day for 24 startups at Tehnopol Startup Incubator, RASK partner Timo Kullerkupp was asked to give an interview and share with a wider audience some core legal guidelines, every founder should keep in mind in order to successfully grow their business.
The interview is in Estonian and available HERE.
Timo Kullerkupp is the official legal advisor at the Tehnopol Startup Incubator and has also contributed as a mentor to several other accelerators (f.e Startup Wise Guys, Salto Growth Camp). The legal training for Tehnopol incubants was delivered by Karl Erik Esko, Annika Soom and Timo Kullerkupp.
The interview is in Estonian and available HERE.