
Attorney-at-Law Gea Vendel to run a comprehensive course on public-private partnership on 26 April

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Attorney-at-Law Gea Vendel to run a comprehensive course on public-private partnership on 26 April

RASK public procurement expert Gea Vendel will deliver a course on public-private partnership (PPP/AVERUS) at the Täiskasvanute Koolituskeskus (Adult Training Centre) on 26 April. The training day will present a comprehensive overview of different formats and alternatives for public-private partnership (concessions, contracts under public law, semi-public companies, granting special or exclusive rights). There will be practical examples regarding implementation issues.

So far, the National Audit Office has had to provide a lot of negative feedback in relation to the general level of awareness of AVERUS projects – in more than half of the cases, local governments do not understand that a project they are working on could be an AVERUS project, which has to be implemented in accordance with the stipulations of several acts of law.

Gea’s training is mainly aimed at the directors of companies/foundations using public funds, top officials in the public sector, procurement officers and public procurement specialists and lawyers.

More information and registration is available on the training centre website.

RASK clients are eligible for a 15% discount upon entering the codeword “RASK” in the box for additional information on the registration form.