
Keidi Kõiv speaks on due diligence for contracting authorities and tenderers at Public Procurement Conference on 29 October

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Keidi Kõiv speaks on due diligence for contracting authorities and tenderers at Public Procurement Conference on 29 October

Every autumn, the Addenda training centre organises a large conference on public procurement, which brings together hundreds of well-known actors in the field – law makers, contracting authorities, tenderers and lawyers. The conference summarised the key events of the year in public procurement, analysed the bottlenecks and problematic cases, current court decisions and consequent changes in the field.

At this year’s conference, RASK public procurement expert Keidi Kõiv gave a talk on the due diligence of contracting authorities and tenderers. In her presentation, Keidi provided an overview of the development and interpretation of the duty of due diligence based on examples of contestation and case law, and discusses how far diligence can and should be taken, and whether the scope of due diligence as developed in practice can be considered reasonable.