
Timo Kullerkupp and leading fund managers across the Baltics provide training to business development technology companies

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Timo Kullerkupp and leading fund managers across the Baltics provide training to business development technology companies

Last week, RASK partner Timo Kullerkupp visited the Tehnopol Science and Business Park to provide training for some of the most successful technology companies providing business development services.

The in-depth training day focused mainly on key issues related to business expansion and fundraising. Timo was joined by top local financial experts, including Aare Tammemäe (Redgate Capital), Linnar Viik and several fund managers (BaltCap and BPM Mezzanine Fund), to share valuable local knowledge and experience.

Tehnopol Science Park is a science and business hub for starting and growing technology enterprises. The largest science park and centre of excellence in technology business in the Baltic states offers its clients modern office space with the necessary infrastructure, as well as top-quality business development and export market advice.