
Attorney Birgit Aasa critically analyzes the confusion surrounding the pharmacy reform

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Attorney Birgit Aasa critically analyzes the confusion surrounding the pharmacy reform

RASK attorney Birgit Aasa writes for ERR about the ongoing pharmacy reform, thoroughly analysing the chain of events that has led the Estonian government to the current deadlock.

In addition to a good overview of what has been done so far, Birgit also outlines the practices of other European countries in regulating the pharmaceuticals market, as well as analysing the issues raised from the point of view of the rule of law. “The current situation on the Estonian pharmaceutical market raises several fundamental issues, such as the question of whether a law should be repealed in the case of n on-compliance with the law,” says Birgit.

What exactly has caused the confusion and led to such a difficult situation and what are the consequences of the ongoing debate for Estonia. Read the article linked below to find out.