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RASK represents one of the largest wind power plants in 9 concurrent court actions.


RASK successfully represented Tuuleenergia in nine concurrent court actions in relation to contesting the building permits and detailed plan for a wind farm to be built in the Mäli and Tamba area of Pärnu county.

According to the actions and the protest, the detailed plan for the wind farm was deficient and, therefore, the building permits issued based on the plan were unlawful. The applicants and county governor applied for interim relief suspending the construction of the wind farm.

Nine different actions were in progress at the same time and all of them were resolved in favour of the client.

The majority shareholding in Tuuleenergia OÜ belongs to an investment fund managed by BaltCap AS. The Mäli and Tamba wind farm currently developed, with an estimated total capacity of 18 MW, will be the largest wind farm in Pärnu County. The detailed plan for the Mäli and Tamba wind farm was issued in 2003, and the building permits were issued in 2006. The territory of the Tamba wind farm is within a Natura nature conservation area. The construction of the wind farm is funded by the Environmental Investment Centre (approximately 7.5 million euros) and by a consortium of Nordea and SEB banks (approximately 23 million euros). The total cost of the project is approximately 38.6 million euros. The wind turbines will be manufactured by Enercon GmbH and the infrastructure built by Empower AS.